“Quarterly” Report

CSLT Activities June, July & August (and a little bit of September)

We moved our Office/Education Center!
June, and July were full. The Board searched for rental properties without luck, and found instead a perfect office space available for purchase only. With the sale of the 22nd Street property providing the down payment, we were able to buy it. After negotiating an early move-in prior to closing, we completely vacated 4200 East River five days ahead of their deadline. That was intense.

The Community came through as they always do with packing, cleaning, moving and unpacking. Rev. Janis maintained an almost perfect class schedule, cancelling only Sacred Cinema for June.

After 30 years we are once again present in our own home, with a sign, a bus stop and parking. Delighted to be there, and quite happy the moving is done. (Though not quite all the unpacking.)

The other very special event in July was the Certification of Shelly Dunn as our very own Professional Licensed Practitioner. Rev. Janis presented her with the Stole of Office and the official documentation.

Two sessions of Foundations began in June and complete in September. Membership Classes were held in August.

Also beginning in June and ending in July –Exploring the Enneagram with Rev. Janis and Steve Franz as co-facilitators.

Keith Gorley once again facilitated Practical Metaphysics for 10 weeks.

For three sessions in August, a group read and discussed Dr. John Waterhouse’s The Sorry Syndrome.

Shelly Dunn offered the First Wednesday Meditation, twice! Those who attended found it to be of very good value. She intends to work with Chris Wheeler on creating a drumming/drum circle First Wednesday Meditation before the year ends.

Special Events
We said “farewell-for-now” to three participants in our community. Gail Coghlan departed in July, Steve Franz and Tom McKeon in August. Memorial services were held for Gail and Steve. Tom was remembered and celebrated during Sunday Services by members of our Orchestra saying a few words and playing “Go Tommie Go”.

At the June potluck, we had a special presentation from Dignity Memorial.

On July 21st. Keith Gorley delivered the Sunday Reminder, Boarding the Freedom Train. His talk is available on the website as are those of Rev. Janis.

Also, on July 21st we met at the new office for our annual Board Orientation Lunch.

Sunday celebrations, Sacred Cinema and Lunch Bunch joyfully continue. The Men’s Group continues to meet. Though not affiliated directly with CSLT, both A Course in Miracles and Women for Sobriety meet weekly at the Center’s office.

During this period, we were blessed by our own in-house music team, and special appearance(s) by Kristen Chandler Zimmerman, flautist Twinfeathers and John Bustin And also the special treat of Amy Steinberg singing and speaking on September 1st. Amy’s concert, at Unity of Peace, was attended by 52 persons. Such lovely music in our lives.

A Tucson Music Appreciators’ Group has been formed to attend a variety of the splendid music options available here. Interest has been expressed in forming a hiking group in the Fall.

The Center depends on the community’s continued support — not only to meet our financial needs, but also to maintain the spirit and life of the Center. We are deeply grateful to each one who supports CSLT in whatever way they can. Thank you. As always, the Board continues to practice – “We don’t spend money we don’t have.”

Detail is available in the Board Minutes, which are published each month in the Newsletter, and are maintained on the website under “Organizational Documents.”

The two immediate goals are:
1) We, as a community, have agreed to an initial goal of 80 active, engaged participants. Which we are slowly moving toward.
2) Financially – our immediate target is $12,000 monthly, which we do not currently meet. This would support current expenses and fund expansion of our presence in Tucson and administrative support for Rev. Janis.

Coming Soon
Prosperity Plus III, the potential for two sessions of a 10-week study “Exploring the Roots of the Science of Mind” with Rev Janis, Keith Gorley plans a new book study on Eric Butterworth’s Unity of All Life, and there is always more good appearing.

–Peace, Mariann

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