Property News

Spoken Sunday June 9, 2019 by Mariann Moery
and published in the Special Newsletter (same day) and on our Facebook page (same day)

In the past few months the Board has received a number of unsolicited offers for our property at 22nd & Swan. We accepted an offer that will return to us roughly 2 ½ times what we paid for the lot. The annual payments, over the next 5 years, will contribute more to our Facility Fund than anything else we were likely to have done with those monies, or that property. We closed on the 22nd Street property last Monday and the new owner’s initial payment is already in our Facility Fund.

That money in the bank leads us to the next piece of property news. As I told you two weeks ago, on May 22nd we received a notice to vacate our Office and Education Center by June 28th. Your board quickly explored numerous rental and purchase options, everything that was potentially viable, available, and close to our budget, in this part of town.

Ten days ago, your board visited an office space that meets our needs for space, parking, access, and visibility at a price we can afford. This space was only available for sale, not for rent or lease. With the initial payment from the sale of the 22nd St property in the bank, we have sufficient funds available for a down payment. We have been extremely careful with the donations and contributions received by this Center for the last several years, not spending money we don’t have. It looks like we will be able to secure a mortgage on this property, with monthly payments less than we have been paying in rent. Dick and I signed the purchasing contract yesterday, which will close mid-August. Because of the generosity of the sellers, we will be able to take early possession of the property on June 18th. Many things are yet to be resolved, but nothing seems particularly difficult.

There is a sign up sheet on the Information table if you wish to help with any aspect of our upcoming move. And as always, your participation in the life of this Center, time, talent and treasure, is what makes it work for all of us.

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