For me, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented an urgent message to every human. I believe this virus’ message is that “We are ALL in this together” — in life, in how we get sick, how we heal, and in how we live together and look after ourselves, and one another. No one has been totally excluded from impact by this virus, either from one of the many ways the virus expresses, or not being able to get medical care for other ailments, or an increased sense of isolation, fear and separation, or an elevated sense of general or specific worry and anxiousness, or simply disturbed sleep interrupted by difficult dreams, or any number of other manifestations.

This virus became very, very real to me when the doctors thought my beloved daughter, who is recovering from Valley Fever and therefore immuno-compromised, might have gotten it. She exhibited many worrisome symptoms. Thankfully, her test came back negative.

While I was walking in a very lush, beautiful neighborhood last week by myself, I couldn’t help but notice the sounds of all the different birds, look at the Palo Verde trees in bloom, cactus flowering, hummingbirds, rabbits, quail and even a red bird I didn’t recognize! The connection of all of this hit me right between the eyes; ALL of it, every single bit of it, is interconnected.

Couldn’t this same principle include every sentient being? Food for thought for me, for sure. I am reminded of the 12 steps in Karen Armstrong’s book, Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life and am looking forward to taking the class with Keith again when it starts in early June.

1. Learn about compassion for all
2. Look at your own world
3. Compassion for yourself
4. Empathy
5. Mindfulness
6. Action
7. Know how little we know
8. How should we speak to one another?
9. Concern for everybody
10. Knowledge
11. Recognition
12. Love your enemies

If I only manage to apply some of these principles into most of my interactions, I become part of a positive solution and balm to myself, and others. I reduce the fear and panic my small self wants to focus on. Yes, I know we are looking at a very different ‘new normal’. This refocusing of my thought and attention helps me so much to look for the positive that has come about in my own life, and the lives of those I love and people I know.

While I was walking outside in nature, and observing its orderly beauty, the word COVID became redefined to me:
C- Compassionate
O – Opening
V – Vector
I – Into
D – Divine Order
assuring me that ALL is in divine order.

–Namaste, Janie

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