Creating Our Reality

The One Cause back of all never changes, but It constantly creates forms; and so we perceive a changing form within that which is changeless. — Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 578.

In our book discussion of David Richo’s book, Five Things We Cannot Change…and the Happiness We Find by Embracing Them, a most important question was asked: “Who should we believe, Ernest Holmes or David Richo?”

In The Science of Mind philosophy we read over and over again that we create our reality by our thinking. “You can tell what you believe by looking at your life” is a popular maxim. From the New Testament we read the words of Jesus, “It is done unto you as you believe.” We are encouraged to look at our underlying beliefs, our unconscious mind, to determine what we believe about ourselves and the conditions of our lives. In a flawless world, we would experience perfect health, financial abundance, and healthy relationships by believing these conditions are our reality. “As above, so below.”

Many years ago, when I was a new student of the Science of Mind and totally convinced of my power to shape my reality, several people that I loved transitioned in quick succession. Because I was a ‘newbie’ in this philosophy, I somehow thought I had caused these deaths of the people dear to me. My minister at the time, Dr Christian (Sorensen) looked me straight in the face and said, “You aren’t that powerful. Everyone is on their own path. Other people’s lives are not yours to control or direct.”

David Richo points out quite dramatically again and again that life happens to us: quite succinctly, “Stuff Happens.” The first “thing we cannot change” is the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing, stays the same. Romances change and get better as they mature, or they end in sorrow and bitterness. Marriages often end in separation or divorce. People lose jobs and friends. Even brand new cars will need repair and eventually need to be replaced. New houses need constant upkeep to keep from falling into a state of disrepair.

The most difficult life event for most of us to deal with is the death of someone we love. Richo writes, “Grief, the yes of tears, makes possible an acceptance of reality and its conditions, including an ending in death.” He goes on, “Grief readies us eventually to give up clinging to the past and to move toward closeness with new others who offer approximations of what we have lost.”

I have this short saying in my kitchen where I read it several times a day: “Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way we choose to cope with it is what makes the difference.” (Author unknown)

Each life experience, no matter how painful, is a chance to learn something of value. This is where Ernest Holmes reminds us that how we choose to perceive any situation, no matter how joy-filled or how painful, is what creates our reality. If I see any event as proof that I am being victimized, I remain a victim. If I see the same event as a chance to learn a valuable lesson, I will learn that lesson and move upward.

Regarding the question of whom we should believe, Ernest Holmes or David Richo, the answer is both of them. I am blessed to be in this community where we are taught the tools that enable us to rise above the “stuff” that life presents us, and to become more as we spiral upward beyond the events that shape our reality.

–Pat Masters

Times … They Do Change

“May you live in interesting times.” Is this traditional wisdom or is it a curse? Maybe both. At this moment in time, it doesn’t much matter because we are living in some very interesting times, and not only does change seem constant, but it may be picking up speed.

Just think for a moment about the rapid pace of change in technology. Three-dimensional printing is 30 years old. Driverless vehicles have successfully navigated the streets in multiple cities. The FAA has begun limited testing of drones for delivery of products to businesses. The iPhone is 10 ½ years old. (Introduced on June 29th, 2007.) It is estimated that 85-90% of all photographs taken each year are taken using a smartphone, not a camera. Instantaneous sharing of everything is rampant. Change is constant, and it’s everywhere!

Yes, the-times-they-are-a’-changing but not exactly the way Bob Dylan’s song’s lyrics conveyed, or the way we all wanted to imagine. (Unless, of course, you wrote or read science fiction.)

My choice is to remember that even if I can’t control the rate or change, I can control (or at least be aware of) what I think, and what I do in these “interesting times”. Things, people, and circumstances all change continuously, but I can remember that the Spirit within me is eternal, already perfect and changeless. What an amazing gift that — being part of the eternal Spirit.

When I remember that, I free myself up to make better choices. I can, sometimes, release the common hour thinking, expectations and ideas about what I should do, and instead focus on what I actually decide to do, or what I determine is mine to do.

Just so far as we depend upon any condition, past, present or future, we are creating chaos, because we are then dealing with conditions (effects) and not with causes.
— Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 146.4

Life externalizes at the level of our thought.
— Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 147.1

Bringing my self back to that state of inner balance when I know that I am Peace — not as an action, reaction or even response, but as my true state of being — then I know that the challenges I experience as a result of change are mine to respond to with my clearest, most thoughtful and deeply grounded effort. I expect nothing more or less than my best. I know that when I am in my right mind, when chosen with thought and trust, my choices will be mine, and not reactions to external conditions, and they will be my best.

So, I know that tomorrow’s happenings will likely be different from today’s, and the Spirit within me will always be the same. That essential core gives me direction and guidance, when I choose to be still and listen.

So, go in Peace, and know that this too shall pass – probably quite soon.

— Mariann Moery


As you are aware, we circulate 5% of our contributions back into the Tucson community in support of organizations that support self-determined living. You might wonder why we do this, even in months when we seem to have just enough, or not even quite enough, to cover our own expenses. As a Center, we believe and practice the Law of Circulation. This means that we put our money where our mouth is. In The Science of Mind (p. 498, pp. 1), Ernest Holmes wrote, “There must be an outlet as well as an inlet, if there is to be continual flow.”

Lynne Twist wrote extensively about the right use of resources in her book, The Soul of Money. One of her big ideas was the idea of sufficiency and what ‘enoughness’ really looks like. She wrote (p. 120), “In the context of sufficiency, appreciation becomes a powerful practice of creating new value in our deliberate attention to the value of what we already have.” By selecting local charities that support self-determined living from our present experience of sufficiency in the contributions we have received, we deliberately recognize the value of what we have to share, here and now.

During December we heard from the three charitable organizations that you had recommended during our congregational solicitation in November. On January 6, during Sunday Services, those present will vote for the charity we will support with a percentage of our Sunday offerings in 2019.

Sister Jose Women’s Center is dedicated to the care and nurturance of homeless women within our community. They provide respite and basic needs as well as assistance with housing, social services, health advocacy and pre-employment readiness. Women reach out to women with dignity, respect and compassion. For more information, visit:

Old Pueblo Community Services offers a full continuum of services from Outreach to Supportive Housing. ‘Housing First’ places people, regardless of their history, in housing first. By removing the chaos of living on the streets or in shelters, vulnerable individuals engage in services and go on to live stable independent lives. This promotes individuals’ re-entry into the community as viable contributors. For more information, visit:

Youth On Their Own strives to eliminate barriers to education and empower Arizona’s homeless youth to stay in school. For over 30 years, we provide continuing support in support of high school graduation for persons in this unique demographic by providing financial assistance, basic human needs, and one-on-one guidance. With the help of our supporters nationwide, we have empowered over 16,000 homeless youth to remain in school and pursue opportunities for self-sufficiency. For more information, visit:

Be sure to attend the Sunday services on January 6 to vote on the charity you prefer that we support in 2019.

  -Dick Laird

Mage Price

Almost every time I read something fiction, I think I’m taking a break, and I usually learn something useful. The series by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory that begins with The Outstretched Shadow is pure fantasy — elves, unicorns, dragons, goblins, a couple different kinds of mages (a.k.a. wizards to us muggles), a classic good-versus-evil story — is rich and deep with mythology and morality that I can use.

What caught my imagination in this moment was this idea of a ‘mage price’, the cost to a wizard of enacting a magical spell. In this story, there are the High Mages and Dark Mages, who typically create their magical spells using other people’s vital energy without asking permission; an Elf Mage, who bonds with a dragon, the dragon who bonds with him offers his vital energy and immortality to the elf mage; and Wild Mages, who pay personal mage prices for every magical spell they cast, and who often ask others to share in the energetic cost of the magical spell. Sometimes the mage pays for a spell with his or her life, acting out the old adage, ‘The good of the many is more important than the good of the one.’ (By the way, I’m not sure I completely agree with that adage. Likely, more on this in a future post, because it bugs me.)

As an aside, I want to make it plain that I don’t personally believe in the mythology of good-versus-evil as a Reality. I do believe we each can (and do) have experiences and might want to perceive them as evil. There’s a huge difference. I would never say that to someone in the middle of a deep, dark, miserable, ugly, unpleasant or unwelcome experience. That feels unkind and completely inappropriate to me. If we are truly immortal beings, which I firmly believe we are, then any human experience — no matter how painful, lengthy or ghastly — is temporary, and provides fodder for learning a bit more about who we are, if we choose to see it that way. In my mind, this is a Truth whether evil is a person or an organization who is acting in a way we perceive as dastardly or destructively, an illness, an event, or anything that we perceive is against us. What if every single experience of our lives actually serves to increase our understanding, or our ability to be compassionate or aware? What if every single experience or event is truly for us? That means we can never be victimized in our lives, or actually be a victim of any person, place, experience or thing. Sometimes, this is hard to wrap my mind around and I’m certain it is true.

Now, back to mage prices… We teach that it is completely appropriate for us to live lives that we choose. We teach that choice is invisible (intention, willingness, determination) and consequence is visible (the desired object, outcome or experience). We teach that Law is impartial, delivering to each one of us precisely according to our actual beliefs. Whatever I truly believe is possible for me to have, achieve or accomplish, I can have, achieve or accomplish. I just have to be willing to give up any and all limiting ideas I have about accepting the thing or experience I choose. There’s the catch, the mage price.

One of the delicious experiences in the “Foundations of the Science of Mind” course is that each student is asked to state a goal they desire to achieve by the end of the 13-week class. The same is true, to a lesser extent, in the Power of Eight groups. Some people struggle with getting definite and concrete about what they wish to claim. It feels so much safer to claim something intangible or unmeasurable. (We want to say we are just being magnanimous.) It feels risky to state a personal goal. It feels vulnerable. What if I get it? How will I have to change for this new reality to show up for me? What if I get it, and don’t like it? What if I don’t get it? So many questions!

We have to be willing to give up the comfortableness of who and what we have been to step into lives we choose. This is true for each of us individually, and it is true for us as a community. About ten weeks ago on a Sunday morning, I asked each of us to consider what we wanted to become, and whether we were willing to grow into a center big enough, and powerful enough, to accomplish our desires. I know myself as willing to pay the mage price, and give up my limiting beliefs, for this accomplishment. Are you?

A blazing fire makes flame and brightness out of everything that is thrown into it. — Marcus Aurelius

       -Rev. Janis

‘Tis the Season….

We are awakening to the realization that the Universe is perfect and complete. It gives. It is love. It is good and wills ONLY GOOD to all alike. (Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 465.2)

During this time of year we can be bombarded by advertisements for the “perfect gift” for that “perfect someone.” Advertisements for diamond jewelry, advertisements for automobiles, advertisements for fabulous vacations, advertisements for the latest toys all appear to guarantee us the perfect holiday for our family members, our friends, and our co-workers. I was surprised to notice this year that there are still advertisements for the “perfect” chia pet! I thought (hoped!) they had gone the way of Pet Rocks and Mood Rings.

About ten years ago, I was feeling frustrated by the fact that since I no longer lived in the community where my children and grandchildren lived, I felt out-of-touch with what each of them might consider the “perfect” gift. I called my son and suggested that since we all have plenty of what we want and need, instead of giving one another material gifts, we could donate to charities of our choice in honor of our family.

He passed the idea along to my grandchildren (each of whom was a teenager or older), and they were willing to give it a try. Building on that, last year my family gave me my most perfect gift: ten days of random acts of kindness. Each of my children and grandchildren chose a day in which they would perform a random act of kindness in honor of our family. Gifts of food, socks, dental and other hygiene products were given to homeless people, meals were bought for strangers, boxes of fresh produce were distributed to the community food pantry, toys and games were purchased and delivered to the cancer ward for children in Santa Barbara. Dozens of Subway Sandwiches were purchased and distributed to a group of homeless women in Ventura. One grandson paid for the groceries of the man in line behind him at the grocery store. When the clerk told the man his groceries had been paid for by a young stranger, he looked around and asked, “Where is the hidden camera?”

Each day I received an email describing what random act of kindness had been performed. Needless to say, each email made me very proud, and brought me to tears as I read the accounts of what each had done.

I love the Dr. Seuss story of the Grinch who tried to steal Christmas from the residents of Whoville. Even though he stole every decoration, every tree, every gift, and all of the food for their Christmas feast, the people still gathered together in the Village Square and sang Christmas songs of love and gratitude. The music touched the Grinch’s too-small heart, causing it to grow to normal size, and he realized the truth of the Spirit of Christmas: “The true meaning of Christmas cannot be bought in a store.”

In each of Rev. Janis’ Sunday reminders this December, she encouraged us to remember we are the Light of the world, already perfect and complete, just as we are. That is gift enough.

    —Pat Masters

The Reason for the Season

I read somewhere and quite some time ago that Jesus came to earth as God in human form to show us that it is possible for us to live, and act, in a “Christ Conscious” way. Basically, the message was that Christ came here to show us that humans can live in love, that we can and should strive to live like Christ. Jesus-the-human-as-divine showed us that this was possible.

The first time I heard this, it rattled my Christian-based understanding of the reason for Christ/Jesus to have lived on earth. And even more than that, it changed my thinking from God as other who lived out there somewhere, to God-showing up-as-me-right-here-right-now. In an instant, it made clear to me that living a Christ Conscious life was not only the reason we came to live on earth, but was also the easiest, most joy-filled and most fruitful way to live. This is a radical and momentous realization!

In The Hidden Power of the Bible (191.5), Ernest Holmes wrote:

“To have the same mind that Jesus used implies a power

which is available to all and may be used by all.

The mind which Jesus used was the Truth:

hence he became the way. But we are also to become the way…”

As I ponder this thought, I know that believing that a Christ Conscious life is possible (and in fact, expresses THE way to walk in the world) is the first step to living this en-Christed life. I have also realized that it is not a difficult path, but instead it is a joy-filled path. Making Christ Conscious decisions by default becomes a wonderful way to live.

Much of the world will soon celebrate Christmas in the belief that it represents the birth of the only Son of God. To me, there is an additional and possibly more valuable celebration, and that is the opportunity to recognize the birth of Christ Consciousness as it takes place in each and every person who chooses to find the ease-filled comfort of resting fully, thoroughly and deeply in the Divine. So with this in mind, I raise a glass of holiday cheer and say:


“Merry Christ Consciousness to You and Happy New Year!!!!”

Namaste’, Sheila

What’s Mine to Do?

The Season of Love and Light is upon us. It amazes me how my worldview has broadened as I have gained more life experience. Long ago, when I was only 15 years old, I remember that I fully expected a red Ford convertible to be in the driveway on Christmas morning. I was so disappointed when it wasn’t there. My expectations of what life owed me at that age were completely unrealistic. I wouldn’t be surprised if your early expectations were unrealistic, and unrealized, too.

So, how do I now choose now to celebrate this beautiful Season?

Instead of frantically ‘shopping till I drop’, for gifts that don’t necessary fulfill the needs or wants of those I cherish, I choose instead, to be more thoughtful about listening to that inner voice that tells me to live each moment with gratitude for ALL things. Only then can I share time, presents and ‘presence’, with others, and care and engage more fully with all of life.
I can express my gratitude by the giving of my time, talents and treasures to those I love and to those I don’t even know, with a smile, a greeting, or even simply a nod of acknowledgement.

I realize there are those whose holiday meals will be provided by a non-profit. I can support these efforts by giving money, and my time, to help those who are working with having less than enough. Seeing other humans in distress has always touched me deeply. I bless those who suffer and say to myself, there but for the grace of God, it could be me. It is also a reminder to me of how much, and how often, I have been given more than most, and for that I am deeply grateful. The love, interest and support of those who have cared for me have meant more to me than any gift I have ever received. I can only reciprocate by passing it on.

May your Season of Love and Light be blessed in every way.


-Janie Hooper

Staying “Home”

We look too far away for Reality.   — Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 41.3

I grew up on a farm four miles outside of a small Oklahoma town and was seemingly okay with that, except in my head I was a million miles, several continents and frequently universes away.

I forgive myself for that, because it was after all pretty boring. It certainly seemed so at the time.  I was the one at High School graduation most definitely not in tears over leaving – but in glee about finally getting out-of-town on a semi-permanent basis.

Somehow though I think Dr. Holmes is talking about a different kind of “far, far, away…”

Spiritual evolution should make the Infinite not more distant but more intimate. — Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 89.2

And isn’t that the challenge?!?  Becoming more intimate with life as we live it.  More aware, more present to each moment, more here and now with every breath.  I still find my self flying off, off & away, though now I’m learning to make it a round trip ticket with a very short visa.

To find in each moment the perfection of that moment, of myself, and of all the world I live in.  Truly actually living in it.  Strangely enough after decades in big city business, I’m walking away from “focus clearly, sharply, specifically on whatneeds to be done”, and learning it is more about presence. The special art of being present to NOW, being aware of the energy-in-flow, aka the complete picture.  The important stuff is happening inside of my head.   It is happening and I pay attention to the swirl of people, places and energy that does give the color and depth that too frequently I’ve tried to find by looking for the “juice” in other people, a different job, a new title.  Or in any of those far away places.

And my extreme surprise and delight is discovering that the more I open to Presence as a learning experience – not a scene to be directed or controlled – but the more I allow myself to listen honestly and to see clearly, the more I come into seeing and knowing the Truth of my own being.  This is not surrender, submission or any version of “whatever”.  It is living from my core in the world around me.

…. The higher the sense of Truth, the greater will be the realization of the uniqueness of individual character and personality… Individuality means self-choice, volition, conscious mind, personified Spirit, complete freedom and a Power to back up that freedom.      –Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 332.4-5

And the true beauty for me is to be right here, right now claiming every bit of perfection and power, every morsel of learning from living a life that is HERE. And NOW. And it is so, especially when I remember to stay home.

–Pax, Mariann

The Way It Is

“Life is not the way it is supposed to be.  It is the way it is.

The way we choose to cope with it, is what makes the difference.” –Anonymous

I went to Ojai, California, recently to attend a memorial service for a dear friend.  I had not been there for almost two years, and was concerned about how much damage remained from the Thomas Forest Fire that raged there last winter.  Although the damage was evident in both the town and the surrounding areas, I was very surprised and pleased to see green growth sprouting up from groves of trees blackened by the flames, and wildflowers blooming in the meadows. Many homes and outbuildings that had been ravaged by the fires were being rebuilt.

In Native American culture, forest fires are welcomed as a natural cleansing of the forest where they occur. In fact, fire is necessary to heat the pinecones that release the seeds that create the new trees. I watched from my house in PineTop as members of the White Mountain Apache tribe used controlled burns to keep the undergrowth cleaned out so both the trees and the animals that live on the reservation could thrive.

Most of us view fire as a destructive force.  I watched the news coverage of the fire, and felt afraid for my family, friends and other residents, when they were required to evacuate.  No one was sure what they would find when they were allowed to return.  Some did lose their homes; most were lucky, as the firefighters fought successfully to save their property.

On my drive back to Tucson, I thought about the difference in attitudes about forest fires in general. I found myself thinking that while the fears were very real about the possibility of lives and property being lost in the record-breaking fire that lasted so long and covered so much acreage, long-term damage was small in comparison to what could have happened. Most deservedly, the firefighters were hailed as heroes.

While I was in Ojai, most of my friends were glued to their television sets to watch the Senate hearings to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  I like to figure out what I can learn in any situation that might help me in another.  I saw the parallels between the massive fire last winter and the political climate we are in right now.  I heard friends lamenting,  “This is the worst time our country has ever experienced.  We are so divided.”  Part of the reason I believe this seems true is because we know instantly when anything happens anywhere in the world.  In our 24-7 cable news world we are bombarded by facts, opinions, hidden and obvious biases, and blatantly inflammatory vitriol. (Mary Morrissey calls CNN Constantly Negative News.)

While some see very little good that can come from this heated interaction, I believe that this is a cleansing time for us a nation. I see individuals getting involved politically who had never been involved before.  More people are registering to vote for the first time, paying attention to party platforms, and women and minorities are running for office in record numbers.  I see a firestorm of political change, and I believe that is healthy for us as a nation.

— Pat Masters

The Road Less Traveled

Robert Frost wrote a famous poem about taking “the road less traveled” and how it “made all the difference.” It describes my experience since becoming a Religious Scientist; taking the road of deliberate consciousness. Examining and questioning my default thinking, knowing it manifests my life experience, has become my practice. I was raised in a fundamentalist religion where I was taught that I was a victim to an outside negative power, the Devil, who was literally out to get me. I have worked to unlearn that pessimistic and helpless belief and I have felt joyful when optimism more often was my default. I have strived to embody the teachings of Ernest Holmes and the ideas represented in the poem by Christian Larson that Reverend Janis distributed in September. In that poem are the lines:

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind……

To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best…..

I drive a new car today because of this effort to think differently.

In 2016 I became the owner of a 2013 turbo-charged red VW Beetle. I loved my little car, especially the peppiness of its turbo-boosted take-off from red lights. But several months ago, it began showing me the red Check Engine light on the dash. I was told I had a classic VW issue with fuel injectors and my car would require over a thousand dollars in repair. I took a second option of putting special chemicals in my gas tank to try to clean out the car’s system. But then, a few days before Labor Day, another red light appeared on my dash, this one signaling low coolant. I shrugged this one off and simply had the coolant levels topped up and scheduled a service appointment for more maintenance work. But 24 hours later, the same red light came back on, and I could see the minimum coolant level had dropped quite a bit. I consulted a knowledgeable friend who used mysterious diagnostic terms like “blown head gaskets” and said I was looking at more serious engine trouble. Between my two red warning lights I was looking at repairs of thousands of dollars.

The fact of the matter was that I did not possess thousands of dollars to fix my car and I wasn’t sure what to do with it. In the past I would have instantly begun to worry and agonize. Indeed, one family member muttered “it’s the Devil.” I instantly rejected that comment because I know the Universe is always for me, not against me. Someone suggested it was the Labor Day weekend and there might be car dealer sales going on. I was skeptical, however, that I could trade the car after only two years paying down my loan, without also having a down payment. But I reminded myself there are infinite possibilities in Spirit, and I went to my favorite dealership. I met a new salesman of only two weeks and told him I was investigating the feasibility of trading my car (with two red dash warnings) for another used vehicle. He did his best to find me a car within my budget and chose a nice one even older than my VW, but it was fine, and I liked it.

The finance folks shook their heads, telling me I lacked equity in my VW, and that the red lights were a big concern, so I needed many thousands of dollars down to qualify for financing on a car. I was leaving the dealership and my sad salesman when a manager whispered to him a solution. It was Labor Day weekend and there was thisonecar on the lot with a hefty rebate attached. They could apply the rebate, give me a bit extra in trade on my car, and see if financing would work. He drove up a 2018 base model Hyundai Elantra for me to test drive. I couldn’t believe my eyes. A 2018 Brand New Car? Yes please! It still took six long hours for the finance folks to find a funding source, but I was approved. I had arrived in a 2013 car in dire condition and drove away in a brand-new car with a platinum 8-year warranty and security system included. To top it off, I discovered the next day from my insurance agent that they updated my policy, keeping my coverage the same, yet saved me enough money on premiums to offset the small increase in my car payment!

Sometimes the Law exceeds my expectations.When those red lights on my VW dash began to multiply I did not want to sink into the bog of lack and limitation and despair. I knew only that there existed some solution for me to have reliable transportation, so that I would either find the cash to fix my VW or I would find another car. I went into the dealership hoping to buy something used and came out with something far better. When I trust in my Good, I am blessed!

by Leah Hamilton

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