Calling All CSLT Artists

Although 2022 is many months away, we’d like to put together the 2022 CSLT calendar. I did a calendar for one of my class projects (I’d been thinking about making a calendar for a while), and it was a project we wanted to do for the community. So, for the past two years we have experimented with putting the calendar together, getting the details figured out. For the upcoming year’s calendar we’d like to get photos, photos of artwork, and short writings from our entire community.

Below are examples of two pages from last year’s calendar:


The photo on the left is by Mariann Moery, painting on right is by Carolyn King.

The writing needs to be short, no more than four – six sentences. The image files of photographs, art, etc. need to be high resolution, 8×10” @ 300 dpi, so they will print nicely. There are only 12 months in the year, so there is limited, but I hope if you have writing, photos, images of art you like, you will share them. This notice is to plant the seed.

I’ll be gathering works in August, (deadline for submissions is August 31) and will have the calendar ready for the printer by September 15, 2021. (I want to have it complete by the time I take an extended trip). Each artist will be credited for their work. If you have a website for your work, that will also be listed on the calendar.

If you would like to participate in the calendar this year, send me an email at Please put “calendar” in the subject line.

Happy Creating!



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