It’s About Time!

We are a soul, we are an immortal being, we are the personality of God… To know that one is the personality of God is the beginning of wisdom.
~ Ernest Holmes, 10 Ideas That Make a Difference, 64.3 ~

The question is, “What if you really believed you are the personality of God?” No conceit, no regrets, no more what-iffing—just plain, unadulterated acceptance of that Truth, and then allowed yourself to live in that consciousness? Frankly, In my imaginings, I find the idea of living this way enthralling and exciting, and as I imagine the results of everyone living that way, I get excited beyond belief.

My personality is the same as God’s. It IS the same as God because I live IN God.

Your personality is the same as God’s. It IS the same as God because you live IN God.

At this time, it appears that more lip-service is being paid to the idea of living FROM the Divine and as the Divine, than taking it to heart and actually living this way. What if, from this moment on, more of us go for the whole enchilada, accepting this as true, believing it as viable, living it in every area of our lives, and enjoying the results as we do?

Every longing and yearning we have ever had, every secret desire of our soul, and every constructive ambition we have had is but a whispering of this Power, assuring us that we are One with It, that we are a manifestation or personification of It, that we are a center in It.
~ Ernest Holmes, ibid, 45 ~

From the wings, I can hear God saying, “For heaven’s sake, it’s about time!”

– Reverend Donald Graves

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