Got Zoom?

“When you and I know enough and are in Los Angeles and wish to be in San Francisco, we shall be there.” -Ernest Holmes Can We Talk to God? Pg. 52

I wonder if Ernest Holmes knew his thought would manifest into what we now know, and use, through the power of Zoom. Gosh, I love Zoom. For those of you who don’t particularly care for Zoom, I hope you will reconsider your thoughts and try using Zoom. During this pandemic Zoom has become the norm for many of us. It’s a lovely replacement for face-to-face contact and at the same time keeps us safe from the virus. I was hesitant at first and quickly learned with a couple touches on a keyboard I could be in Tucson, Reno, Tacoma or anywhere I wanted to go. A new world has opened for me.

I go places with Zoom. I have the ability to travel everywhere I choose and have gained many new friendships that I cherish. I have been able to study and take many classes I wouldn’t have been able to take if it weren’t for Zoom. I am able to tap into the CSL Universe from the comfort of my home.

Wherever we are, we are in sacred space.

I love attending our morning meditation practice. It starts my day out beautifully. I show up as I am, some mornings in my pajamas, and always drink my coffee. Zoom has a built-in beautification filter, although I haven’t found it yet. It’s really not important. We know beauty lies within each and every one of us and that is what we see. We chat, laugh, cry, read a reading, take 10 minutes of silent meditation, chat more and close our meditation with a prayer. I call it “taking my morning med.” The connections with each other are irreplaceable. From the comfort of my home, each day I know I am tapping into the Universal Source that runs through me.

I love attending our Sunday Service. I haven’t missed a Sunday Service yet. Zoom has made it so easy to show up with my family. My son David, has heard every message and I know it has to be of help to him. My St. Bernard Sissy occasionally makes her appearance known, and I know she’s listening to the Sunday message.

Looking back through this pandemic, Zoom has enabled our Community to hear from very special guests, prospective charities, to share the special light of the Solstice as well as services, classes and other ways to “be together” and safe in this time. It is amazing how much easier my life has become. I want the same for you. Until we can meet in person again, if you’re not Zooming, I sure hope you’ll reconsider. It is the quickest and easiest way to get to where you want to go or be. I look forward to seeing you soon on Zoom.

Madeline Pallanes

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