Reflections on Life in our Changing World

Writing newsletter articles as a member of the Board of Trustees is a unique experience. While intimidating initially, I have found that what I have to share is available to me if I pause and relax, breathe and start to write. This is my 11th newsletter article. Oh, yes, I am counting!

My work keeps me terribly busy and I missed my last spot in the newsletter rotation. I am grateful that Reverend Janis was able to accommodate my lapse in availability and that other articles replaced my missive. I have owned my business for over 3 years and I am so much happier as a business owner than as an employee. It has been through following the Science of Mind principles that I was able to move in the direction of my dreams and goals.

That said, work challenges wear me down. I have not had any kind of work slow down during the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, my work has been busier as I have supported clients in applying for pandemic unemployment and in applying for Paycheck Protection loans from the federal government.

What I have found that I need to do is to ask for help from both the people I work with and in hiring independent contractors who work for me. And I have learned that I need to trust myself. What often happens is that I will reach a point at which I must stop work because I am just plain tired. My brain turns off and I do not have any more oomph. So I rest, for a bit.

Although I experience stress around my work and concerns with family, it is starkly apparent to me that I live in a white bubble of privilege, as do many of my friends. I have changed my daily meditation to include deeper reflection and introspection, supporting to truth that Black Lives do Matter (and they haven’t mattered as much as they should have in the past, and even in the present, sometimes), and have also donated money to BLM causes.

I have also begun to read How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi and plan to read White Fragility by Robin Diangelo. Coworkers at the PCC Foundation recommended both books to me. That is how I am beginning to do what I can, with what I have, to support necessary and positive change in this country.

The pause created by Covid-19 has benefitted me greatly. My husband worked from home for two months and that has been great. It has given us a taste of his retirement. I have reconnected with friends from California, Oregon and Massachusetts over Zoom. And the morning 8:30 meditation with Reverend Janis is a highlight of my day.

Thank you CSLT, for all you’ve given me and for the opportunity to give back through Board Service.

–Marya Wheeler

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