What’s Mine to Do?

The Season of Love and Light is upon us. It amazes me how my worldview has broadened as I have gained more life experience. Long ago, when I was only 15 years old, I remember that I fully expected a red Ford convertible to be in the driveway on Christmas morning. I was so disappointed when it wasn’t there. My expectations of what life owed me at that age were completely unrealistic. I wouldn’t be surprised if your early expectations were unrealistic, and unrealized, too.

So, how do I now choose now to celebrate this beautiful Season?

Instead of frantically ‘shopping till I drop’, for gifts that don’t necessary fulfill the needs or wants of those I cherish, I choose instead, to be more thoughtful about listening to that inner voice that tells me to live each moment with gratitude for ALL things. Only then can I share time, presents and ‘presence’, with others, and care and engage more fully with all of life.
I can express my gratitude by the giving of my time, talents and treasures to those I love and to those I don’t even know, with a smile, a greeting, or even simply a nod of acknowledgement.

I realize there are those whose holiday meals will be provided by a non-profit. I can support these efforts by giving money, and my time, to help those who are working with having less than enough. Seeing other humans in distress has always touched me deeply. I bless those who suffer and say to myself, there but for the grace of God, it could be me. It is also a reminder to me of how much, and how often, I have been given more than most, and for that I am deeply grateful. The love, interest and support of those who have cared for me have meant more to me than any gift I have ever received. I can only reciprocate by passing it on.

May your Season of Love and Light be blessed in every way.


-Janie Hooper

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